Friday, April 27, 2007

Ghosts in the foreground...and a reschedule

Working with Photomatix tonemapping again today...I really like the control it gives you. In the end you need to switch from HDR formatting to JPEG files for the web so you lose some details and clarity, but even then when dumbed down and downsized for the web the results are pretty amazing.

Shooting for HDR creates an interesting situation I call "Ghosting". Ghosting for lack of a better term is when you have movement of items within your subject and it can't be helped as you need 3 frames of the same subject at different exposures. People are notorious for moving, go figure. Wind causes movement too most noticeable in small tree limbs. I'm actually starting to dig the ghosting...its like a picture Paul Strand made back in the 1920's where he in the dark room removed people and left their shadows in place in a shot he did in New York (I think it may have been near Times Square...just can't find a copy of the image on the web). Kind of eerie to see something man made in all its permanence with man himself just a wisp moving through.

Anyway, the other bit of news is I have a bit of a flu bug and I need to cancel tonight's appearance at the PnP Gallery here in town. Luckily we can do it next Friday,May 4, 6-9:30 PM. The info if you need it : 418 S Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia 91016. (It's located in the heart of Old Town Monrovia, 2 doors down from the Movie Theatres).

Anyway enjoy the "Ghosts of Westminster" shot in London earlier this month.

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