Friday, February 20, 2009

forced journaling...and my wife liked this one

I'm in a class that has some forced journaling requirements. Not that I'm a great writer or even a poet, but I' took the easy way out on the random thought process. I came up with this ditty that my wife and daughter liked. Its funny but the idea came from the fact these old "K-Swiss" classic wear like iron, look like hell but they are still so comfortable.  The all want me to get rid of them. The bit after the jump. Call it a classic meandering...
These shoes
They're old - Dec 07
The've taken me on adventures
I slipped off a cliff - 
hit a cacti before going over the edge.
They took me to London,
they took me to Paris.
I walked the path of kings,
At the Louve I saw the mark of the common man.
They took me on hikes at Rushmore and Yellowstone.
Hundreds of walks.
Now they have a bigger journey.
to find me a happy place.
I need it for my wife
I need it for my kids
I need it for me.
I needed these old shoes.

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