I've made mention in the past that HDR, High Dynamic Imaging is one way to control contrast and get details in the highlights and shadows beyond what a normal DSLR can capture.
Since it is a bracketed exposure set to capture highlights, mid-range and shadow as "perfectly exposed" when you get around to generating the HDR file you have complete detail across a much broader EV scale than what you can get with just one image.
Both of these are HDR images that I post processed with the help of Adobe's CS5. The Top image, that of a Cadillac ELR that is set for production in the next few years was done more with a surreal touch whereas the Mustang GT500 was done with a more realistic blending. Both work for their own reasons. Both will show up in publications around the web.
I have on flickr an entire set devoted to the
2011 L.A. Auto Show HERE.