Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I broke 200,000 flickr views

Stats are nice, and this is a big number but it doesn't mean squat as I don't make a direct dime off of it.

What I do know is that my viewers fall into 3 categories. Celebutard followers, car nuts and English Rose fans. Also people like to look at the films from my MRI a lot - go figure.

What I do learn comes from comments and favoriting of images in my sets. That information becomes invaluable in helping me determine which images are framed and sorted for shows and which are simply sleeved for future sales from the files.

I know I can count on 200 views a day more or less. I am found from a variety of sources. Most are google searches, some are from bookmarks, others are from my flickr friends who watch my stuff on an RSS Feed.

Nice to know that some of my images can stop people in their tracks and go hmmmm...

A little stroll along a running river

The San Gabriel River is running again. The powers that be in the Army Corp of Engineers that control the flow of the river opened up the spigot upstream and we have a river again. With this week being the hottest of the summer it is welcome relief to be able to just hear the rushing water while walking about and taking pictures.

This image was shot bracketed for hdr post processing to allow some of the waters movement to create off register portions to accentuate the movement in the final image. OF course being able to fine tune micro-contrast and your white/black levels helps with the final image. You'll note I still like a nice clean black in an image even when I'm working with hdr which in theory would have it a dark gray and details. That stark black for me creates an more anchor point for the brain as it processes the image. The final image was washed in Virtual Photographer to give it the look of the soon to be defunct old-timey Kodachrome.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Am strung up and hung again...Monrovia Coffee Company

Just a quick cell phone cam grab of the wall I chose to display at for the next 3 months. Nice selection of HDR, Orton, digital art and straight imagery will be up through September 30, 2009.

Stop in and check out my art as well enjoy a cup of coffee while taking advantage of their free wi-fi.

Monrovia Coffee Company, 425 S Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia CA 91016.