It's those little journeys off the beaten path where one can learn the most. Learning to follow the path of greatest curiousity is where we reap our greatest rewards.
I sat on pin & needles for 2 days but I finally got word. Am image of mine will show all of April at the "California Museum of Photography" at the UC Riverside Campus. Am so jazzed one was chosen. Now to clear out time to make it to the reception on Thursday. The official notice:
Thank you!
For your work to EXTREME PLACES 2009. Judging was extended due to the sheer beauty, wit, and richness of the images received. It was very difficult to choose.
A reception will take place on Thursday April 2nd, 6:00-7:30 to open the exhibition. Thirty-three works were chosen to exhibit in our Digital Studio Gallery here at UCR/CMP throughout the month.
During the reception there will be a slide presentation where one work by each artist submitting will be shown -- along with a complimentary DVD featuring each artist given out. We hope to see you on Thursday!
All three of these images were submitted to the UC Riverside's Gallery for consideration in their "Extreme Places 2009" show set to run for 3 weeks starting 4/2/09. All three are finalists. Now to impatiently sit out the judging and wait for the announcement of the winners on March 30. Enjoy "Snow Squall", "Lario Trail Bicyclists" and "Abandoned Church Paris".
The fraz has been so busy with stuff and a trip to the desert he's hardly had time to blog anywhere. But...I did get some shooting in.
The images is of a Mojave wild flower, "Prickly Poppy". The image was post processed from RAW in the Orton Style and run through Virtual Photographer to just give it a little touch of Cibachrome style contrast and saturation. Enjoy!
A little discovery I made by chance today. Arrested Decay, or things in the midst of decay frozen in time and place work well with the impressionists flavor of Orton.
The other thing I discovered is if I start with the over-exposed raw file when I start the layering I still manage to preserve shadow detail and still get the feel of an orton work. I like it. Hope you do too.
This is among the early blossoms on my perennials that are intermixed with the roses. I can't remember the name of the flower but it is purple and looks like a daisy.
Spring has come earlier than usual this year to LA. I suspect its the very warm January and wet February that prompted it all to come to life so early. Now if we can get some serious rain in the Sierra's and end our long drought we will be in good shape.
The image was post processed in the Orton style. Enjoy. The final merged layers were run through virtual photographer to remove the cyan cast from the parts in the shade and give it that old timey 'chrome film printed on cibachrome look.
I had sometime between games at Hawthorne High last week and opted to grab the camera and do some shooting. This door and weathered vents caught my eye. The not quite symetrical strong horizontal vs vertical lines were attention getting.
I shot it with HDR processing in mind and glad I did. The fine detail in the various sections that it preserved certainly helped with the impact of the final image you see here. Sometimes I like to use HDR for the very real instead of completely surreal. That day was one of them.
The shot itself was bracketed +/- 2 stops from average with the resulting raw files merged into an HDR file via Photomatix. The same program was used for the tone-mapping and detail preservation. The final image was post processed through Virtual Photographer to remove the cyan cast (it was shot in shadows picking up a lot of the sky tint in the process) and give it the look of a traditional silver based 'chrome film printed on good old cibachrome paper.
A stencil artist went a bit nuts down at the old Monrovia RR station. (Someday to be the new RR station once urban light rail is up and running in the LA area and the bigger priorities are met). I can't get to upset with stencils being put on temporary shutters like plywood and the like. Its a classic no harm no foul situation. If it were in the side of someones business or fence around their home I'd have issues, but here its all temporary and adds just a wee bit of character to the otherwise barren plywood.
I shot this image with the thought of HDR post processing. I shot it bracketed 2 stops either side of average and used photomatix for the hdr file generation from the initial raw files. That was then tone mapped and run through virtual photographer to remove the blue cast since it was all shaded.
Last night I was too tired home to drive home from Hawthorne so I opted to pass the keys and sit on the passenger side for a change. Interestingly I wasn't so tired that I couldn't fool around with the camera a bit.
I've always loved night photo and capturing the wiggles and squiggles of light as cars drove by leaving tracers with their lights. I've wanted to for a while to see what would happen bracketing and HDR processing when I shot from a moving car. Now I know. I have to admit that I like the jagged edges and range of tones available.
Now I have to jerry-rig a tripod and remote release to do this while driving myself as I do like the results.
The image was bracketed 2 stops +/- from normal with the HDR processing in mind. The HDR file generation was done with Photomatix as was the tone mapping. The final image was run through virtual photographer to give it that contrasty cibachrome edge.
And finally...just for those of you who thought of the Seger and "Night Moves" based on the title enjoy the youtube clip as well.